Database WebWorks' eStorePro provides feature-rich, custom
e-commerce solutions for all your business needs backed by
professional expertise and state-of-the-art technology.

This major feature distinguishes eStorePro from all of the
usual pre-packaged e-commerce solutions. eStorePro it is not
a pre-packaged e-commerce product like most offerings. Instead,
each site is custom programmed for each client using
an e-commerce toolbox to keep costs down. This makes it possible
for your site to work the way that you want it to rather
than fitting into someone else's pre-existing model. It also
makes it possible to add any custom features that you may

A senior designer will work with you to create a design that
meets your enthusiastic approval. Your site will be a unique
original, no templates!

Easily manage and monitor your site operations with any web
browser using simple forms. You have direct control over site
content, order processing, product maintenance, and so on.
You will be self-sufficient in your site maintenance needs.

Support for real-time credit card authorization using VISA,
Mastercard, Discover and American Express. Automatic order
confirmations and order status update emails (optional). We
will also help you establish a low-fee merchant account with
Verisign services.

Real-time UPS calculations and/or extensive custom shipping
calculations based your rules.

Create and publish discount certificates with expiration dates.
Each certificate can apply to your whole store or be limited
to departments within your store. You can promote them on
your site, bulk emailers, print advertising, or whatever you
like. You can also run multiple promotions concurrently.

In addition, individual products can also be put on sale including
start and end dates. Your site can also have an "On Sale" page listing all products currently
on sale.

Your customers will be able to leisurely browse your products
by category or jump right to what they need with keyword seaches.
We provide full support for multi-level category heirarchies.

You can easily associate products with each other and display
them on a product description page for the purpose of upselling
and cross-selling. For instance, related accessories can be
displayed on a camera's product description page. Related
products can also be shown after adding a product to the shopping

In addition, you can designate any products as being "featured."
Featured products can be set up to be displayed on your home
page and/or viewed on a "What's Hot" type page.

There are numerous reports and tracking features to monitor
your site and track product and order activities. These include
reports to determine the popularity of each of your products
in terms of viewings and orders, where you are getting your
traffic from, site visitor and page view counts, page popularity,
revenue reports and more.

Automated email sign up inserts users directly into your database
for marketing and follow-up using our included bulk emailer.

Create newsletters and email personalized messages to customers
in your database. Customers can opt-out of mailings by clicking
an automated link in your messages.
We can help you identify the opportunities to improve your
business with web e-commerce. For further information or to
arrange a free consultation for your business, please contact
us via email
or call (413) 527-5491.