THE COSTS to implement a database web application
into two of three categories -- Application Development Costs
and Database Server Start-up or Monthly Database Hosting Costs.
Web database development often ranges from $300 to $15,000
depending on the complexity of the web site. Typical projects
usually cost between $500 to $5,000.
We also provide web page design services at a rate of $50 per hour.
The suggested option is to deploy your database application
with a WiTango or ColdFusion web hosting service. In this
case, you would pay a monthly fee to put your database application
on their server. This fee starts at $25 per month (which
includes standard web hosting) and may be higher depending
on the traffic requirements of your application. The range
is typically from $25 - $50 per month. High traffic sites
could be more.
The software Database WebWorks uses to develop and deploy
database applications is WiTango Enterprise or ColdFusion
. Once an application has been developed, it can be deployed
on your own web server (purchase of the WiTango or ColdFusion
application server is required) or on a Tango or ColdFusion
web hosting service (preferred).
The beauty of a Database WebWorks-designed database integration
project is that external maintenance costs are greatly reduced
if not eliminated altogether.
Regular monthly, weekly or daily maintenance of the data
that drives your site is updated by your existing in-house
staff at their own computers via our specifically created
browser forms -- you will have solved one of your major
web site related headaches.
Your web site will always be up-to-date -- a feature that
your customers will appreciate and make your competitors'
web sites stale.
In comparison to the advantages of placing a Database WebWorks
integrated database on the Internet, the costs are moderate.
The return-on-investment is substantial.
Contact us for a free consultation and an accurate and
detailed estimate of the costs involved in making your valuable
information readily available to those who need it.