WEB DATABASE technology allows users access to a live
database through a web page.
All of the usual abilities of a database, such as searching
for information, doing calculations, entering new information,
and editing existing information, are available through the
web browser.
This means that any application that can be created using
a database can be made available on the web. In fact, most
companies already have many existing database applications
that can profitably be 'webified.'
This page lists some of the general web database application
areas, some specific examples, and detailed case studies.

Database WebWorks web sites make relevant company information
easily available for employees, management, suppliers and
customers. All of these applications can be made secure and
password protected as required.
Sales And Marketing
Product Specs, Prices and Availability
On-line ordering
Sales Leads (internal)
Competitive Analysis (internal)
Customer Service
Order Tracking
Automatic Notification Services
Customer Support
Support Bulletin Board System
Frequently Answered Questions (Searchable)
Human Resources
Company Directory
Job Postings
Employee Policies (internal)
Product Development
Customer feedback on products' strengths and weaknesses
Wish list of enhancements
Executive Reports (internal)
provide easy access to company database information
up to the minute financial status
project accounting
project management
Note: Each of the following examples could include extensive
search capabilities.
Product/Service Listings
Program Guide
Calendar of Events
Training Schedules
Classified Ad System
Listing Service For Real Estate
Real-time Seminar Registration System
Special Events Booking System
Customer Questionaires/Surveys/Feedback
Company/Member Directory
Online Auctions
School/Institute Course Catalog
Sports Statistics
Art/Photo Gallery
Human Resources - Employment Opportunities
Internal Company Use: intranet (not visible externally)
Project Accounting Financials
Project Management
Employee Records
For detailed examples see our Portfolio